Identification of Colon Cancer has become easy, signs of the disease can be found only through a blood test

Cancer Symptoms: Colon cancer is a type of cancer. There is a new research on this which has found that now it can be detected with just a blood test. According to research, the signs of colon cancer in the body can be identified only through blood testing, which will make it possible to treat the patients as soon as possible.

Cancer Symptoms: Cancer is a deadly disease. To check this disease, people see some signs in advance, after which people get medical tests done. A new research on this has revealed that colon cancer can now be confirmed with just a blood test. Colon cancer i.e. intestinal cancer is a cancer that increases in youth, which is accurately detected through colonoscopy screening. Now a new research says that getting a blood test done for colon cancer is enough. Know what the new research says.

What does the research say?

According to this research American Society of Clinical Oncology Gastrointestinal Cancer Symposium, this test will be very convenient and beneficial for people. Actually, stool is examined in colonoscopy, which is considered a bit difficult and painful. In comparison to that, this test is considered easy and less serious

How was it confirmed?

In fact, this test has shown the correct result of colon cancer in 81% of the people, in which the results were found to be both positive and negative. People from 200 different places were included in the research. At the same time, the research team says that colonoscopy is uncomfortable because it has a negative effect on the intestines, due to which the patient has to undergo the process of anesthesia. People aged between 45 to 85 years were included in this research. In this, only blood samples were taken for the study of all the people. The Times of India story states that Dr. Pamela Kunj has also called the confirmation of this new research as the right option.

Early signs of colon cancer

Bleeding in the stool.

Difficulty in passing stools.

Stomach pain.

Thin stools.

Sudden weight loss.

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