After China, now a case of HMPV virus has been reported in Bengaluru, India. After which a discussion has started about this virus across the country. Now an astrologer from Kashi has made a big prediction about this disease.
HMPV Virus in India: There is a state of panic all over the world regarding the HMPV virus. Meanwhile, after getting some cases in India too, it is being discussed a lot among the people. Earlier, from 2020 to 2023, the country and the world had suffered a lot of physical and financial loss due to the corona virus. A well-known astrologer from Kashi has told ABP Live some special things about the effect of HMPV on the basis of astrological calculations.
Signs of people getting troubled in Kaalukt Samvatsara
Pandit Sanjay Upadhyay, an expert in astrology from Kashi, has told that Kaalukt Samvatsara will run from April 2024 to 14 April 2025. Before this, Pingal and Siddharth Samvatsara will start from 15 April 2025, which is said to be the year giving the highest results. But it is clearly written in the scriptures about Kaalukt Samvatsara that the people of the country may suffer physical suffering in this Samvatsara. In such a situation, the horoscope of independent India is of Taurus ascendant, and scholars have considered the horoscope of India to be of Capricorn ascendant. According to the horoscope of Taurus ascendant, Venus's antardasha is going on in the Moon Mahadasha of independent India. Both Moon and Venus are sitting in the third place. In Indian astrology, the Moon is also considered to be the factor of mind.
When will we get relief from HMPV?
Pandit Sanjay Upadhyay tells that according to ancient acharyas - the horoscope of Capricorn ascendant of India is showing that Capricorn is retrograde in the lowest position and is sitting in the seventh house, which can be the reason for increasing the diseases of people in the south-west region of India. Therefore, according to the zodiac and planetary positions, people will get many fruits from the new Siddhartha Samvatsara starting from 15 April 2025 and during this time people can also get relief from such obstacles and diseases.
Saturn and Dev Guru Jupiter are changing zodiac in 2025
According to the Panchang, the time between March 2025 to May 2025 can bring some complications. During this time, Saturn and Jupiter will also change their zodiac signs. Looking at the movement of planets in the year 2025, some indications are being given that the new year can prove to be quite turbulent. In 2025, Saturn will move from Aquarius to Pisces. Saturn is changing its zodiac sign on 29 March 2025. On 14 May 2025, Jupiter will enter Gemini from Taurus.
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